The O'Ki Teaser/Flasher have been specially designed to attract a variety
of Big Game Fish to the back of your boat. A fully rotating (360 degrees) attractor producing
both flash and vibrations in the water - both of these stimuli are known to excite feeding fish.
They look and sound like a school of shoaling bait fish behind your boat. The teasers can be
trolled one at a time or in tandem, daisy chain style from your downrigger, outrigger, on the
surface or with a ball weight depending on what depth you is ideal for your quarry. If trolled in tandem, it is best to attach the Teasors 4-6 feet apart for maximum action. 3 to 6 in row is optimum. These were recently featured in the Sportfishing Magazine, October '01 issue as effective for Marlin, Dolphin, Sailfish and Tuna. Rotation of the flasher imparts a "darting" action to the lure, a sonic pulsation and by means of metalized reflective films - an attraction by light. Color of the plastic blades and the varied assortment of custom film styles and colors make these attractors very effective when trolled on their own or with lures actually attached to the back end of the Teaser. Teasers are fitted with genuine U.S.A. made SampoŽ ball bearing swivels. Choose from our wide selection of pre-set colors or "Build Your Own"! |