August 18, 2002 - The Calkins Family with their haul of Kings using O'Ki Flashers off Westport Washington, just above the Columbia River.

August 26, 2002 - Garry Gruninger-47 pound King caught using Radiant Pink Hootchy and O''Ki Green Coho Special Flasher

August 17, 2002 - Matt Schroderus with two salmon caught on O'Ki Flashers and Radiant Hootchys in Lake Michigan

August 10, 2002 - Angler with his catch using Radiant Daisy Chains off Atlantic City, NJ

August 10, 2002 - Herb Hillaker and friends with a nice catch of Salmon caught using O'Ki Flashers. Sebastopol, CA

August 10, 2002 - Nick Ferrara with a couple of fish caught using Radiant Daisy Chains off Atlantic City, NJ

May 2002 - Bob Davis & friend with nice catch of Barracuda caught on Radiant Ditch Diggers. Turks & Caicos Islands.

Mike underwood Caught this King Salmon using O'Ki Flashers 9/9/01 at Duxdrury Bouy, outside of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, CA.

July 2002 - Bud Blanschard - Neah Bay, WA. Nice catch of Kings using O'Ki Flashers

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